For Vendors

Current RFPs and RFIs

If you or your organization would like to participate in VITL’s RFP process, please review the relevant RFP information below. Any additional questions can be directed to VITL’s Business Operations Manager at

Thank you for your interest in collaborating with VITL to ensure excellence in health care information exchange for all Vermonters.


State Contract Policies

VITL is a vendor of the State of Vermont (“State”) and must comply with certain requirements set forth in the State Contract Attachments in VITL’s agreement with the State. Vendors of VITL are sub-contractors (“Sub-Contractor”) if their work with VITL is related to the deliverables in VITL’s agreement with the State.

The State Contract Attachments are incorporated under the terms of VITL’s agreement with the Sub-Contractor, as sub-attachments. The State may modify or amend the State Contract Attachments, and these modifications or amendments are considered as part of the agreement effective at the time of any amendment, renewal, or additional Statement of Work. The most recent version of the State Contract Attachments is posted here and constitutes part of the agreement between the Sub-Contractor and VITL. 

The State Contract Attachments are as follows:

  1. Sub- Attachment 2-C Standard State Provisions for Contracts and Grants
  2. Sub-Attachment 3-D Information Technology System Implementation Terms and Conditions
  3. Sub-Attachment 4-F Agency of Human Services’ Customary Contract/Grant Provisions
  4. Sub-Attachment 5-H State of Vermont – Federal Terms Supplement (Non-Constructive)