If you want to know more about the Health Information Exchange, you’re in the right place

VITL is a nonprofit organization working to improve health care in Vermont by collecting and sharing health information responsibly.

Vermonters can opt out of the Vermont Health Information Exchange electronically or by printing and sending a form. Vermonters can also request a copy of their record or an audit of access of their data. The “My Options” link below has information about those options and how to take action. And more detail about how VITL shares data is in the frequently asked questions on this page.

My Options

Most Popular Questions

What is the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

The Vermont Health Information Exchange keeps health records in one place. Most Vermonters have a health record in the Vermont Health Information Exchange that is made up of information about their health and the health care they have received from different doctors and at different practices and hospitals. Doctors and other health care providers can view information about the patients in their care who are participating in the Vermont Health Information Exchange. This shared health record can help put providers on the same page.

What information is in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Participating health care organizations (for example: doctors’ offices and hospitals) choose what information they will send to the Vermont Health Information Exchange. A patient’s record in the Vermont Health Information Exchange may contain information including, but not limited to: 

  • Patient demographics – such as name, age, date of birth, address, etc.   
  • Problems and conditions   
  • Allergies   
  • Medications   
  • Laboratory test results   
  • Radiology reports   
  • Transcribed reports   
  • Patient care summaries 

Who can view information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Health care providers can view the medical records of their patients. These providers may include: 

  • medical doctors 
  • medical staff 
  • pharmacists 
  • care managers 
  • dentists 
  • mental health providers 
  • home health care nurses 
  • physical therapists 
  • emergency medical services providers 
  • other health care professionals covered under HIPAA

Information is also available to authorized administrative staff in organizations that provide health care, to staff at the Vermont Department of Health for public health purposes, and to staff at public and private health insurance providers. 

How do I stop my providers from seeing my information/how do I opt-out?

There are several ways to opt-out of having your information viewable to your providers in the Vermont Health Information Exchange: 

  • Call the Vermont Health Information Exchange Hotline at 888-980-1243 
  • Fill out an opt out form online 
  • Download, print, complete this opt out form, and mail it to VITL, Attention: VHIE Support, 150 Dorset St., Suite 245, PMB 358, So. Burlington, VT 05403

How do I get more information? Where can I go to ask questions?

More information can be found on our For Vermonters webpage or by calling the Vermont Health Information Exchange Hotline at 888-980-1243. Some providers may also be able to answer questions about the Vermont Health Information Exchange. The Office of the Health Care Advocate is also available at 1-800-917-7787. They are not involved with managing the Information Exchange and can help answer any questions you would prefer to talk through with a third party.

Opting Out

How do I opt-out?

You can opt-out by filling out this form, by downloading a printable form, filling it out, and mailing it to VITL, or by calling the VITL hotline at 1-888-980-1243 9am – 5 pm Monday – Friday.

Will I still receive care if I opt-out?

Yes. Signing up with the Vermont Health Information Exchange is not required to receive high-quality care. A provider cannot deny you care based on your decision about participating in the Vermont Health Information Exchange.

How will my providers access information about me if I opt-out?

If you opt-out of participating in the Vermont Health Information Exchange, your providers will continue accessing information about your health and health care the same way they have in the past. This may involve some combination of electronic medical records, fax, and phone.

If I opt-out, is my information removed from the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

No. Opting-out stops healthcare professionals involved in your care from viewing your health record in the Vermont Health Information Exchange, but that information is not removed from the Information Exchange and may still be available in the event that you experience a medical emergency. 

How long does an opt-out decision last?

Opt-out decisions last forever unless you choose to revoke opt-out, which can be done using the opt-in form. 

What is included in my record?

Who operates the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

VITL is a private, non-profit organization that operates the Vermont Health Information Exchange. 

Does the Vermont Health Information Exchange contain information about mental health?

Some mental health information is in the Vermont Health Information Exchange and some is not:  

  • Records about mental health care received at some primary care practices, emergency departments, and hospitals may be included, and may include diagnoses and prescribed medications. 
  • Vermont’s Designated Agencies (list of Designated Agencies by county and region) do not send information to the Vermont Health Information Exchange. 
  • Private psychiatrists and mental health counselors do not send information to the Vermont Health Information Exchange. 

Is the Vermont Health Information Exchange part of/related to the health insurance exchange?

No, the Vermont Health Information Exchange is not related to Vermont Health Connect or any health insurance exchange.

Is information about substance use disorder (also called addiction) in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Some information about substance use disorder is in the Vermont Health Information Exchange and some is not: 

  • Information about substance use disorder treatment received at some primary care practices, emergency departments, and hospitals may be included, and may include diagnoses and prescribed medications. 
  • The Vermont Health Information Exchange does not currently receive data from Designated Agencies, “Hubs” for opioid use disorder treatment, or recovery centers.  

Can I use the Vermont Health Information Exchange to transfer my records if I change providers?

You can request a copy of your records available in the Vermont Health Information Exchange by requesting a record request form. Once you have obtained your record, you can share it with your providers.

Does my doctor or provider send information to the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

The best way to find out if your provider sends information to the Vermont Health Information Exchange is to check this list of contributing providers. 

Are lab results and other test results in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Yes, laboratory results, reports about medical visits, and radiology reports are in the Vermont Health Information Exchange. They may be included if the laboratory, hospital, or practice where the test was conducted sends information to the Information Exchange or if the provider who ordered the test received information from the Vermont Health Information Exchange. 

Is medication and prescription information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Yes, medications that have been prescribed and prescriptions that have been filled are included in the Vermont Health Information Exchange. 

The information about medication and prescriptions that is in the Vermont Health Information Exchange comes from doctors and providers and from a network of pharmacies, mail order pharmacies, clearing houses, insurance claims, and Surescripts. 

The Vermont Health Information Exchange is not linked to the Vermont Prescription Monitoring System (VPMS). 

Are notes in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Yes, there are some notes in the Vermont Health Information Exchange. These include notes from health care providers, such as patient care summaries, radiology reports, transcribed reports, operation notes, and discharge instructions.

How far back does information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange go?

The data that providers and other authorized users have access to includes data sent to the Vermont Health Information Exchange in 2018 and later. Some of the records that contributing organizations send includes patient histories, which may include information from much earlier. 

Is there information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange from other states?

Some information from other states is available in the Vermont Health Information Exchange, including information about care received at Dartmouth Health.


Can my employer see my information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Employers do not have access to the Vermont Health Information Exchange. 

How does the Vermont Health Information Exchange make sure people don’t access information they are not supposed to in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

The foundation of VITL’s work is the security of patient data and ensuring appropriate access to that data. In support of that work, VITL continuously reviews and updates our security and recovery practices to ensure they align with best practices and mitigate the ever-changing threat landscape.

Can my insurance company see my information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Health insurance companies may use data from the Vermont Health Information Exchange.

Can providers ever access health information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange for patients who have opted-out?

Yes, in the event of a medical emergency where a provider believes their patient is experiencing a condition that poses an immediate threat to their health which requires immediate medical attention, they may access their patient’s health record in the Vermont health Information Exchange. This is referred to as a “break the glass” record search, and it is permitted for patients who have opted out. Break the glass events are rare and each time they occur VITL performs an audit to ensure the access was appropriate. The patient or their legal representative must be notified of this access as soon as reasonably possible. 

Can I see my information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

The Vermont Health Information Exchange does not currently have a patient portal. A patient may request that their complete health record in the Vermont Health Information Exchange be sent to them by completing this form. Patients can contact the VITL hotline at 888-980-1243 for more information.

Can the people who work at VITL view information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

Yes, to test and troubleshoot the system. Some VITL employees may need to view limited amounts of information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange. Employees of VITL accessing the system must have an established need under the “health care operations” consideration of HIPAA. All VITL employees are given training on patient privacy, HIPAA, and minimum necessary access to patient information. 

Can providers in other states view my health information, for instance if I am traveling or living out-of-state?

Some information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange is shared with out-of-state providers through qualified national event notification systems that notify providers when their patient has been admitted, discharged, or transferred from a care setting (like an emergency room or inpatient hospital) or has experienced a significant health event.

How is information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange kept secure?

VITL, the organization that operates the Vermont Health Information Exchange, uses several strategies to ensure data in the Information Exchange is secure, including conformance to industry recognized security frameworks, like NIST 800-53 Cyber Security Framework. Additionally, all information in the Health Information Exchange is compliant with HIPAA privacy protections. 

  • All information sent to or by the Vermont Health Information Exchange is encrypted. 
  • The Vermont Health Information Exchange systems are all physically located in secure datacenters. 
  • VITL monitors the use of the Information Exchange. All VITL staff are trained to identify and report security incidents. Unusual or malicious events are reviewed and addressed. 

How do I?

If there is some information about me in the Vermont Health Information Exchange that is wrong, how can I get it corrected?

The best way to correct any incorrect information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange is to contact the health care organization that originally sent the data to the Information Exchange. The Vermont Health Information Exchange hotline 888-980-1243 can offer more information about your options. 

How do I know if my information is already being shared or if I’ve opted-out?

To check your current status in the Vermont Health Information Exchange, you can call the Vermont Health Information Exchange Hotline at 888-980-1243 9am – 5 pm Monday – Friday, except holidays.

Where do I go if I have a concern or complaint about the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

There are several options for asking questions and raising concerns about the Vermont Health Information Exchange: 

  • Call the Vermont Health Information Exchange Hotline at 888-980-1243. 
  • Call the Office of The Health Care Advocate 1-800-917-7787 – the Office of the Health Care Advocate is a free resource to help Vermonters solve problems related to health care and is independent of the Vermont Health Information Exchange.

How can I find out what information about me is in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

To request a copy of your health record in the Vermont Health Information Exchange, fill out and submit the record request form. 

How can I see who has viewed my information in the Vermont Health Information Exchange?

You can request an audit report, showing every Vermont Health Information Exchange user who has accessed your record. To request the audit, fill out the audit request form. 

If I am participating, can I opt-out later? If I am opted-out, can I choose to participate later?

Yes, you can change your mind at any time. 

What are my options?

You have a variety of options when it comes to sharing your health data. One of these choices is the ability to opt-in or opt-out of sharing your health data (online and print-and-mail options). That’s in addition to requesting a copy of your patient record or a report of the organizations that have accessed your record. Information about all of your options is provided below. 

For questions or more information, call the Vermont Health Information Exchange hotline at


9am–5pm, Monday–Friday, Except Holidays

If you have questions and want to talk to a professional independent of the Vermont Health Information Exchange, please call the Health Care Advocate Helpline at 1-800-917-7787.